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Lobosea: Gymnamoebia: Amoebida: Tubulina: Hartmannellidae

Saccamoeba lucens
Frenzel, 1892

Saccamoeba Genus: Limax amoebae with hyaline cap reduced to shallow crescent or absent in continuing locomotion, though always seen on initiation of pseudopodium; advance often with non-eruptive slight antero-lateral bulging; villous-bulb uroid with more or less rigid fine villi often present (Page, 1976).
Species: Broad, 70-100 μm; uroid smooth or with punctate appearance; nucleus 6-7 μm; <20 crystals, 5-15 μm (Page, 1976). 70-120 μm; pseudopods, eruptive, hemispheroid; ectoplasm, smooth, thin (?) ; uroid morulate, when present (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
->> Large, small, smaller, smallest varieties

Saccamoeba sp. (lucens or limax ?), monopodal 40 μm long, μm wide, nucleus μm in diam., endosome μm in diam., villous uroids, x 400, x 640, Japan, 199? by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400 : scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Saccamoeba Saccamoeba Saccamoeba Saccamoeba

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