Genus: Elliptical body with a firm pellicle; dorsal side convex,
ventral side slightly flat; "cytopharynx" with granules; two lateral chromatophores
(chloroplasts) vary in color from green to blue-green, brown or rarely red; 1-3 contractile
vacuoles anterior (Kudo, 1966).
Cell body elongated ovoid or elliptical; cytopharynx conspicuous; three rows of ejectisome (trichocysts)
(Yamagishi, 1999).
Cell body 16-25 μm long, 8-13 μm wide, thickness 7-12 μm;
anterior end slanted, posterior end rounded; longitudinal groove extending to near the posterior end;
chloroplasts brownish, with 4, 6-7 pyrenoids; starch granules scattered within the chloroplasts;
stigma absent; two refractile bodies at the center of the cell
(An Illustrated Guide to Freshwater Zooplankton in Japan, 2000).