Colony consisting of 16 or 32 cells, cells arranging as 5 or 4 layers forming cylindrical
structure, up to 130 μm long;
cells spherical in shape, up to 18 μm in diam.;
with one large pyrenoid posteriorly surrounded by several small pyrenoids
(An Illustrated Guide to Freshwater Zooplankton in Japan, 2000)
Colony of 16 cells, cylindrical in shape, up to 96 μm long, 58 μm wide;
4 layers (or chaplets) each consisting of 4 cells longitudinally stacked to form the colony;
gelatinous coat consisting of two layers, outer one more gelatious showing fuzzy periphery;
cells spherical or slightly compressed along longitudinal axis (15-19 μm in diam.);
chloroplast cup-shaped, posteriorly thickened, where a large pyrenoid present,
sometimes accompanied by a few smaller pyrenoids; stigma anterior
(Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 9, Chlorophyta I, 1983)