Bodo sp. (B. edax or B. repens ?),
x 640, Japan, 199? by Y. Tsukii
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
B. caudatus Dujardin: Highly flattened; usually tapering posteriorly; 11-22 μm long, 5-10 μm wide; anterior flagellum about body length; trailing (recurrent) flagellum longer; blepharoplast (Kudo, 1966).
B. edax Klebs: Pyriform with bluntly pointed ends; 11-15 μm long, 5-7 μm wide (Kudo, 1966). Ovoid; common in stagnant waters and plast infusions (How to know the protozoa, 1979).