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Chrysophyceae: Chrysocapsales: Chrysocapsaceae:
Chrysophyceae: Chromulinales: Chrysocapsaceae:

Chrysocapsa epiphytica

Chrysocapsa epiphytica Genus: Planktonic; colonies of 8-16 cells within a gelatinous sheath; cell body spherical in shape, with 1 or 2 plate-like chloroplasts (Introduction to the Freshwater Algae, 1999).

Chrysocapsa epiphytica Lund , cell body spherical, 7-11 μm in diam., x 640, Akigase Park, Saitama city, Saitama Pref., Japan, March 2002 by Y. Tsukii
scale 20 μm scale 40 μm scale 60 μm; x 1000
Chrysocapsa epiphytica Chrysocapsa epiphytica Chrysocapsa epiphytica

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