Order & Family & Genus: Small ovoid, non-contractile, monokinetid or dikinetid field on right side and dorsum, 5-8 left oral polykinetids, 1 family, 1 genus (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Genus: Ovoid to elongate; dorsal surface has reduced somatic ciliation; ventral with well developed kineties; peristome apical, 1/3 of the body length; buccal ciliation massively developed; a single macronucleus (Carey, 1992). Peristome leads directly into cytostome; covex left side not ciliated ?, but bears bristles; flat right side ? with 3-5 ciliary rows; perstome begins at pointed anterior end, 1/3 of the body length; macronucleus simple; contractile vacuole subterminal (Kudo, 1966).
Google Image Search
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