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Litostomatea: Haptoria: Pleurostomatida: Litonotidae

Litonotus anguilla
Kahl, 1931

Litonotus Genus: Flask-shaped; elongate, flattened; anterior region neck-like; cilia only on right side; without trichocyst-borders; cytostome with trichocysts; two macronuclei (Kudo, 1966).
Species: Cell body 240-300 μm long (Kahl, 1931).
Similar Genus ->> Loxophyllum; Amphileptus

Litonotus anguilla Kahl, cell body 200 μm long, μm wide, x 400, Saitama Pref., Japan, May-June 1999 by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400
Litonotus Litonotus Litonotus

Litonotus lamella (Ehrenberg, 1838) Schewiakoff, 1896 (Syn. L. binucleatus (Kahl, 1933) Hartwig, 1973; L. obtusus (Maupas, 1888) Kahl, 1930): Very common; broad, 200 μm long; anterior curved; posterior tending towards a point; many trichocysts in the buccal region; a single contractile vacuole; two spherical macronuclei (Carey, 1992).

L. fusidens (Kahl, 1926): Pear shaped, 100 μm long; no true neck region, posterior rounded; large trichocysts in the oral area; two macronuclei with intercalated micronucleus; a contractile vacuole posteior (Carey, 1992).

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