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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Cosmarium sportella
Brébisson var. sportella

Cosmarium sportella Genus: Unicellular; variable in shape; a constriction at the center of the cell body; mostly longer than wide; flattened; each semicell hemispherical, spherical, ellipsoidal, rectangular, pyramidal or kidney-shaped; no apical indentation (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Species (var. sportella): Cell body 34-42-45 μm long, 30-42-45 μm wide, isthmus 10-13-14.5 μm wide, large granules present at the center of the semicells; apex flat; (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Similar species -- >> C. vexatum; C. botrytis;

Cosmarium sportella Brébisson var. sportella (or C. botrytis ?), cell body 37 μm long, 31 μm wide, isthmus 10 μm wide, x 640, rice field, Yasuji-kawa, Sawara city, Chiba Pref., Japan, October 11, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Cosmarium sportella Cosmarium sportella Cosmarium sportella

Cosmarium botrytis var. subtumidum Wittrock: Cell body 52-(56)-80 μm long, 43-(51)-65 μm wide, isthmus 10-(14)-15 μm wide, (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

* Cosmarium sportella Brébisson var. subnudum: Cell body (42)-51 μm long, (33.6)-41 μm wide, isthmus 11-(14.5) μm wide, apex slightly depressed; (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

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