Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae
Cosmarium moniliforme
Turpin ex Ralfs f. moniliforme
Species [f. moniliforme]:
Cell body 21-56 μm long, 11-29 μm wide,
isthmus 4-11 μm wide, L/W=2; semicells spherical; cell wall smooth.
[f. punctata Lagerheim ]: Cell wall dotted;
24-43 μm long, 14-25 μm wide.
[f. elliptica Lagerheim ]: Cell body elongated, semicells broad ellipsoid in shape;
46-50 μm long, 28-32 μm wide.
[f. supyriforme W. et G.S. West ]: Semicells inverted ovoid, apex slightly flatted;
34-56 μm long, 21-23 μm wide.
[f. elongata W. et G.S. Wetst ]: Cell body 2 times longer than f. moniliforme, semicells ellipsoidal;
38-42 μm long, 17-22 μm wide.
[f. pandriforme Heimerl ]: Smaller than f. moniliforme;
17.5-20 μm long, 10-15 μm wide
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
Cosmarium moniliforme Turpin ex Ralfs f. moniliforme
(or Cosmarium contractum f. jacobsenii ?),
cell body 39 μm long, 26 μm wide, L/W=1.5, isthmus 7 μm wide,
x 640, marsh pond No. 2, Iroha-numa (marsh/bog), Zao mountain, Yamagata city, Yamagata Pref., Japan, August 2, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
31 μm
63 μm
94 μm; x 640
Cosmarium moniliforme Turpin ex Ralfs f. moniliforme
(or Cosmarium contractum f. jacobsenii ?),
cell body 38 μm long, 23 μm wide, L/W=1.7, isthmus 6.5 μm wide,
x 640, marsh pond No. 2, Iroha-numa (marsh/bog), Zao mountain, Yamagata city, Yamagata Pref., Japan, August 2, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
Cell body 37.5 μm long, 23.5 μm wide, L/W=1.6, isthmus 7 μm wide, x 640
Cell body 36.5 μm long, 24.5 μm wide, L/W=1.5, isthmus 7 μm wide, x 640
Images of collecting locality:
No. 2, Iroha-numa (marsh/bog), Zao mountain, Yamagata city, Yamagata Pref., Japan, August 2, 2006 by Y. Tsukii
Please click on images for viewing enlarged.
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