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Gamophyceae: Zygnematales: Desmidiaceae

Cosmarium diplosporum
(Lundell) Lütkemüller
= Actinotaenium diplosporum (Lundell) Teiling 1954

Cosmarium diplosporum Species [ var. diplosporum ]: Cell body medium in size, cylindrical, slightly constricted at center, 52-66 μm long, 23-33 μm wide, L/W=2.0; semicells slightly-ellipsoidal cylindroid, apex broadly rounded; cell wall finely dotted, chloroplasts consisting of longitudinal axis and radially-arranged laminae.
[ var. major ]: Larger than var. diplosporum, (98)-102-115 μm long, 43-47 μm wide (Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).

Cosmarium diplosporum (Lundell) Lütkemüller ?, cell body 33 μm long, 16 μm wide, L/W=2.1, isthmus 11 μm wide, x 640, drainage ditch, Koyoen-megamiyama-cho 19, Nishi-no-miya city, Hyogo Pref., Japan, September 10, 2004 by Y. Tsukii
scale 31 μm scale 63 μm scale 94 μm; x 640
Cosmarium Cosmarium

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