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Oligohymenophorea: Plagiopylia: Plagiopylida: Plagiopylidae

Plagiopyla nasuta
(Stein, 1860) Agamaliev, 1978

Plagiopyla Genus: Oral cavity deep, opens ventrally away from apex; more internal tubular part precedes cytostome; the tubular part of oral vacity extends to left (Illustrated Guide, 1985). Body laterally compressed (Carey, 1992).
Species: Ovoid, dorso-ventrally flatted; cell body uniformly covered with long cilia; a raised lip on the anterior edge of cytostome; 80-180 μm long (Kojima et al., 1995). Cell body ovoid, rounded at both ends, oral region short and slit-like, wide, ccurved transversely striated ribbon extends from posterior end, a single macronuleus ovoid, a single micronucleus present (Carey, 1992).

Plagiopyla (nasuta ?), about 125 μm long, 60 μm, a short field of longer caudal cilia, similar to P. frontata (see below), but no raised lip on the posterior edge of bestibule, one (?) contractile vacuole posterior and large food vacuoles, fresh water, x 400, Japan, 199? by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400
Plagiopyla Plagiopyla Plagiopyla Plagiopyla Plagiopyla Plagiopyla Plagiopyla

Plagipyla nasuta Stein, 1860: Ovoid, dorso-ventrally flatted; cell body uniformly covered with long cilia; a raised lip on the anterior edge of cytostome; 80-180 μm long (Kojima et al., 1995).

Plagipyla nasuta (Stein, 1860) Agamaliev, 1978: Cell body ovoid, rounded at both ends, oral region short and slit-like, wide, ccurved transversely striated ribbon extends from posterior end, a single macronuleus ovoid, a single micronucleus present (Carey, 1992).

Plagipyla binuleata Agamaliev, 1978: cell body ovoid and flattened, 80-100 μm long, enlarged cilia surround the transverse slit-like oral region, vestibule short and conical, 60-70 kineties, transversely striated ribbon wide and curved, two macronuclei and an intercalated mironucleus present, a single contractile vacuole posterior (Carey, 1992).

Plagipyla frontata Kahl, 1931: Ellipsoidal; oral cleft anteriorly; posterior rounded; 80-120 μm long; vestibule large with distinctive ciliation and a raised lip on the posterior edge; a large macronucleus & a micronucleus; a single contractile vacuole in the rear; a short field of longer caudal cilia (Carey, 1992).

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