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Spirotrichea: Stichotrichida: Urostylidae

Holosticha polystylata

Identified by Tadao Matsusaka at Kumamoto University

Holosticha polystylata Family: Frontal cirri differ in size and/or pattern from ventral ones of files; "collar" extends short distance along right edge of body; oral area not U-shaped (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Genus: Many species; usually ovoid or elongate in shape; AZM 1/4 of the body length; two rows of ventral cirri; frontal cirri present (Carey, 1992). Frontventral cirri in zig-zag files; rear rounded, body oval to long (Illustrated Guide, 1985).

Species: A common species; anterior rounded, posterior blunted; 300 μm long; peristome 1/4 body length; coloured red or yellow; many macronuclei small & ovoid (Carey, 1992).

Holosticha polystylata, cell body 200-212 μm long, 67 μm wide, x 400, Japan, 199? by Y. Tsukii
scale 50 μm scale 100 μm scale 150 μm; x 400
Holosticha Holosticha Holosticha Holosticha Holosticha
Holosticha polystylata, focused on cell surface, by Y. Tsukii
Holosticha Holosticha Holosticha

Holosticha polystylata, by Y. Tsukii
Holosticha Holosticha

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