Family: Circumferential paratene of mono- or dikinetids; not cirral or bristle-like.
Genus: Paratene makes nearly closed circle around body; ventral kinety often present (Illustrated Guide, 1985).
Ovoid to spherical; adoral zone very conspicuous two to four conspicuous sickle-form frontal membranellae, adoral membranellae extend down cytopharynx; no body bristles or cirri (Kudo, 1966). Body conical, ovoid or elongate posteriorly; somatic cilia absent; AZM composed of large membranelles which emerge from the peristome and encircle the apex of the cell; polysaccharide plates or platelets may conver and strengthen the posterior portion of the body (Carey, 1992).
Strombidium sp.
1 clip
cell μm
Japan, 1999