Species [ var. formosulum ]:
Cell body small, trapezoid in shape, basal margins broadly rounded, both sides crenated with 6-7 projections,
apex slightly wavy (5 waves), (34)-40-50 μm long, (34)-40 μm wide,
isthmus 10-(11)15.5 μm wide; cell wall granulated;
semicells with about 5 longitudinal ridges at the center, granules present on each ridge, side view ovoid
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).
[var. mesochondrium]:
Cell body 37.8-39 μm long, 30-31 μm wide,
isthmus 9.8-11 μm wide,
(Illustrations of The Japanese Fresh-water Algae, 1977).